Come to the Malibu mountains with me and let’s hike the Zuma Loop Trail.
Continue reading[Video] Study with Me
Come study with me. Choose any video between 25 minutes and an 1 hour long. Grab your books, laptop, notes, and hit play to study with me.
Continue reading[Video] Minimalistic Room Tour
Come and explore my minimalistic room.
Continue reading[Video] Haitian Creole Vlog + Sunday Routine
A vlog of my Sunday Routine while speaking Haitian Creole. English Subtitles are available with a click of a button.
Continue reading[Video] Clean with Me on New Year’s Eve
Start the New Year off fresh by cleaning up your space.
Continue readingBonfire Sweater
Free Chunky Knitting Sweater Pattern | Size Exclusive
Continue readingThe Cave
Have you gone through a time where the only thing you had was the Hope of Glory?
Continue readingRejoicing in the Death & Resurrection
When all seems lost. Look to the one we restores and rebuilds. “But I will see you again and your heart shall rejoice and your joy, no man can take it from you.” John 16:22
Continue readingClouds
The differences in views.
Continue readingRooted
Staying rooted in Christ is the only way to bear fruit in this life.
Continue readingWrite
How it feels to write and
Continue readingLover’s Embrace
My helps come from you. My ever present help.
Continue readingTravel Resources
Here’s all the simple need to know travel resources.
101 basic Traveling tips, Ultimate Packing Guide, Plane essentials, road trip essentials and more.
Continue readingMinimalism Phone Wallpaper
Minimalist Wallpaper for your phone.
Continue readingWhat’s on my iPhone 2021 Edition
Digital Minimalism for your phone. Want to make your phone a tool instead of a distraction? Find out what I have on my phone and How I use my iPhone in 2021.
Continue readingABIDING N’ COMMUNION
How when we read about abiding in Christ do we really understand what that mean? The depths of relationship that He is calling us into? Let’s take a look at the surface of John 15 to understand about abiding and how that ties in to communion in Luke 22
Continue readingPlanning to Purchase the reMarkable 2
Having recently digitized all my papers and journals. I have been looking for a way to be able to write and journal without having to keep on purchasing paper. The reMarkable 2 was an answered prayer.
Continue readingKnitting a Chunky Beanie
An easy free knitting pattern for a chunky knit beanie with a Knit With Me video included.
Continue readingCrystal Lake
Need a quick weekend getaway in the Los Angeles area? A place fun of fresh air, servral hiking trials, and a natural lake? Crystal lakes is for you!
Continue readingGraphium Case
A quick and easy crochet pattern for a pencil case.
Continue readingBuying as a Minimalist
You can still shop as a minimalist and have fun with it. Here are 5 tried and true steps that I take while buying as a minimalist.
Continue readingSeason of Quiet
There is indeed hope even when no one else knows that you are hoping.
Continue readingMy Daily Routine When I’m on Vacation
Need some tips to help you stay organized while on vacation? Perhaps you’re looking for some kind of routine structure while you’re away from home?
Continue readingWhat is Minimalism?
What is Minimalism? What does it mean to be a Minimalist? What does it look like for me?
Continue readingLake Arrowhead
From it’s winding road that leads to mountain views to it’s Village center that overlooks the tranquil and scenic lake, Arrowhead is the perfect place to go to for a getaway.
Continue readingBooks of 2021
This year I am reading through books I have own and not touched.
My goal is to read one book a month as part of my 2021 declutter.
25 Questions You’re Afraid to Ask
About Love, Sex, and Intimacy
by Juli Slattery
My Review
This book was very insightful. It never told you what to think but rather gave you references as a guide to aid you in making your own choice. Everything was biblically based and allowed you to do your own research, pray, and study the topic more. This book is definitely one you’ll find yourself returning to over and over again throughout your life.
Favorite Lines:
“The goal of a conflict is to end up on the same page. Conflict isn’t motivated by getting your way or proving your point. The goal is to become like-minded and understanding each other at a deeper level. Even if you and your husband will never see the issue exactly the same, through conflict, you can gain an appreciation for each other’s perspective.”
Juli Slattery
“Find your own peace in bringing the issue before the Lord before seeking peace with your spouse.”
Juli Slattery
“It requires great faith living within our fallen world to believe that honoring God with every relationship and sexual choice is worthwhile. You may be tease, mocked, and have some lonely seasons. Even then, your loving Father is for your deepest joy.
Juli Slattery
The question is not about how much God loves you, but how much you love Him. Jesus said to his disciples and says to us today, “If you love me, keep my Commandments“ John 14:15. It is in loving Him and seeking Him that you will find your greatest happiness.”
Check out my books of 2020!
Also if you are on GoodReads let’s be friends 🙂
Last Updated
Glimpses of Heaven
Seeing Heaven from the mountain top and dancing among the stars.
Continue readingMorning Routine
Set the tone for your day by creating morning habits.
Continue reading13×14 Travel Capsule Wardrobe
Traveling to a warmer Climate for Two weeks? Here’s a minimalist packing list for you.
Continue readingBedtime Routine
Need some ideas for habits to end your day and start the next one off right? Here are 11 things I do before going to bed as part as my evening bedtime routine.
Continue readingYear of XII and V
My thoughts throughout 2020.
Continue reading2020 Autumn Capsule
2020 Autumn Capsule
Continue readingPlane Essentials
Plane Essentials. Everything you need for an amazing plane ride.
Continue readingWanderer Mittens
I made these while dreaming of traveling to colder climates.
Continue reading11/30/2020
God always keeps His promises. This Year has been hard but Praise God that I can look back and know that He is good.
Continue readingiTech Sport Review
iTech Wearable review. A full review on the iTech sport smart watch.
Continue readingEveryday Carry
These are the daily essentials I carry around with me as a minimalist.
Continue readingSweater Resources
Want to design your very own sweater? Here are the resources you need.
Continue readingHiking Go Bag
Here is everything I always have in my hiking bag at all times.
Continue readingLA Living
What’s it like to live in Los Angeles?
Continue readingUltimate Packing Guide
A template for the ultimate packing guide.
Continue readingGrace Ankle Socks
Free Simple and easy knitted sock pattern.
Continue readingCapsule Wardrobe
What is a Capsule Wardrobe?
Continue readingSummer Capsule Wardrobe
I finally did a Summer Capsule Wardrobe and here are my thoughts.
Continue readingCamping Essentials
Need a starter pack for your first camping trip? Say no more fam. Here is a list of camping essentials and more.
Continue readingRosh Hashanah
As I’m writing this I’m eating sliced apples dipped in honey to remind myself of this year’s provision and for the sweetness of the year to come: Rosh Hashanah 5781.
Continue readingWhispers
Affirmations of truth.
Continue readingCampfire Sweater
Free knitted sweater | Size exclusive | Improv Sweater.
Continue readingRedwoods Camping Journal
A journal about camping in the Redwoods.
Continue readingSadeh
What seeds are you planting in your life?
Continue reading