Looking for structure in routine while you’re away from home? This vacation routine will help you gain control of your daily routines while still giving you all the vacation vibes.
When I started doing routines last year, I absolutely loved it. It made my days so much easier and streamlined a lot of my daily tasks. All I had to do was check things off of my list and go about my day. Keeping my routines made my daily life so much easier.
But what happens when you are not home? When you can’t keep your routines because there are unknowns? How can you find structure when you don’t know what the day will bring and your surroundings are unfamiliar? I experienced this first hand when I was visiting my family in Florida.
I found that I was listless and restless. I knew that there were things to be done to start and end my day but I felt like I had no structure. I couldn’t use my regular routines because I didn’t have things such as my diffuser, a to do list to work on, lights to dim, or even a set breakfast time.
Even though I was on vacation, I still wanted structure. I craved it, but a more relaxed type of it. Thus the vacation routine was born:

It took me all morning to make but when I started I just couldn’t stop. I broke this routine up into two parts. I condensed my usual morning routine with my evening routine, to make a fun little schedule for myself that fits my life while still giving me all the vacation vibes.
Morning Routine
I start off my day by
9am Wake Up

Or earlier depending on what was going on that day.
Put on Praise and Worship Music

I listen to various artists such as Hillsong, Bethel, Jesus Culture etc
Make Bed

While jamming out I’ll make my bed as sort of a clean start of the day and also to keep me from getting back into it.
Brush teeth & Wash face

This is still the same as my usual morning routine.
Drink Water & Take Vitamins

Again same as my morning routine. I will take my vitamins and other nutrients everyday while on vacation. Since I’ll be doing more things in a different environment, I want to give my body a little extra help with digestion and immunity.

To wake my body up and promote good posture.
Time outside with God

Where I was staying had a trampoline in the backyard. I would go outside and lay on it while staring at the sky and talking to God. There were some breakthroughs and overwhelming peace that occurred during those times.

Breakfast doesn’t always come last but I make sure that I have it each morning with something warm to drink. Because as Spongebob square pants says, “The most important meal of the day…serving it up Gary’s way.” I just insert my name where Gary’s is…I don’t eat snail food I promise, especially because of the way Spongebob reacted to it.
At the end of whatever kind of day I had, I go into my
Bedtime routine
I start it off by
Putting things away

Whenever I stay somewhere for more than two days then I have to find a home for the things that I brought with me. Even if it’s folding my clothes and putting them in a packing cube and placing said packing cube in a designated spot in the room, I have to do it. It feels so good, and it keeps the space nice and tidy.
Finish water

Surprisingly, I don’t wake up in the middle of the night to pee if I do this right before bed.
Look over next days events

Usually, I’ll have a rough idea of what I want to do and where I want to go the next day. This is just me checking the weather so I can know what to do for the next step.
Pack bag & Pick out outfit

Per the previous step, I know what the weather will be like and I know how far I’m going and how to get there. So I’ll pack my bag with things I need for the day and pick a weather appropriate outfit. My bag usually consists of my everyday carry.

Now I didn’t know this at the time but you can write one sentence a day when you’re taking a long trip so you can look back at your days at a glance. I usually wrote about my day and feelings which worked for me at the time. I also try to journal whenever I had a chance throughout the day on my phone. If I did do some journaling during the day, then I’d use this time to read through it and add to it, if necessary.
Bible & Prayer

I’m still doing the The One Year® Chronological Bible. So I put my headphones on and hit play. I’ll end the night by talking to God about things to come, things that have passed, and thanking Him for the moment I’m in.
That’s my Vacation Routine!
Nothing fancy but it worked wonders for me while I was out of my usual space. Coming up and creating the graphics for it got me so hype up that I even created a lock screen wallpaper just to keep me in check. I’ll set that as my lock screen whenever I go on vacation. Back home I have a wall where I taped up all my routines, including a weekend routine, but more about that later.
Now I’d love to hear from you! Do you have a routine that you like to keep in your everyday life? Or maybe it’s just one or two things you have to do everyday to get you going? Share down in the comments below or send me an email at Hello@ohmyjourney.com.
Read more: Morning Routine | Evening Routine | Every Day Carry | Travel Resources
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