‘Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.’
Psalms 143:8
Hey y’all. After setting up and mastering my bedtime routine, mornings became a lot easier. However, I did notice that I lacked structure in the mornings. Everything I’d usually did, like clean up, get organized, and plan my day was already done the night before during my bedtime routine. So I decided to set up a morning routine to start the day off right. As usual I did watch Beatrice’s morning routine video beforehand.

My morning starts by
7am Wake up

This was easy and hard. I’m an early riser but I like hitting the snooze on my alarm and going back to sleep. I even put my phone away from my bed so I’ll have to get off of bed to turn it off. But sometimes I end up taking it back to bed with me. So I gave myself a time that I have to get out of bed and start my day. To ensure that I get 8 hours of sleep each day I go to sleep around the same time each night. So let’s say I go to bed at 10pm then my wake time should be 6am for it to be a full 8 hours. Basically, there aren’t any excuses I can give to stay in bed.

Next I turn on my essential oil diffuser (this is also the second step in my bedtime routine so it’s like a signal to me that a routine is starting.) My diffuser currently has a mixture of eucalyptus, tea tree, and maybe peppermint? These oils promote wellness and easy breathing. Plus I just really love the smell of peppermint.
Brush Teeth

Nothing to see here, just basic hygiene. I’ve been using a tongue scraper, a bamboo toothbrush, and an essential oils toothpaste.
Wash Face

Washing my face wakes me up. There’s usually cold water running from the tap so I’ll just wash my face with it; because it takes a while for the water to run hot. I wash my face with just water, apply coconut oil to seal in the moisture, and then I’ll pat my face dry.
Make Bed

People had always said to make your bed in the morning but I never saw the point until I watched Rebecca’s video on morning habits. She said, “When I don’t make my bed there is a very high likelihood that I will get back into it and probably go back to sleep.” and then it clicked for me. When I don’t make my bed I just crawl back into it after my bathroom routine. So I started making my bed and lo and behold I haven’t found myself crawling back into it.
Drink Water

My mom has said drinking water helps your digestive flow start again or was it that it helps your body with the digestive process. Either way I drink water before eating or drinking anything else and take some vitamins as well. Sometimes I’ll add Apple Cider Vinegar to it just to switch up the flavor. It cleans your blood…at least that’s what my mom says.
I’m currently listening to The One Year® Chronological Bible on the Bible App. I’ll put my headphones on and hit play while making breakfast. I would not recommend listening to Leviticus while eating because it talks about a lot of medication things such as skin diseases and open sores.

I like to eat carbs, protein, and I like to have a warm drink with it. Mostly tea or hot water with lemon.
Morning Playlist
By the time I finish breakfast I’d have finished listening to the day’s bible plan and I turn on some tunes. I compiled a list of upbeat songs using the Riseup Playlist on Apple Music as a basis. Don’t worry if you don’t have apple music because I created a Spotify playlist just for you.
Outside Time with God

I go on walks to get some fresh air, pray, and listen to podcast episodes. Expression58, The Bloom Podcast, Frequentsee, and New Hope are my go tos. I say that but I don’t listen to podcasts everyday. I usually use this time to pray and ask God questions.
‘‘Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’’
Jeremiah 33:3
I have a list of people I pray for on certain days. So whatever day of the week it is I’ll pray for them. This list changes often because prayers get answered.
‘I sought the Lord , and He heard me, And delivered me from all my fears. The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears, And delivers them out of all their troubles.’
Psalms 34:4,17
Teuxdeux List
The last thing I’ll do to end my morning routine is open up my TeuxDeux list and Trello board. I’ve been using TeuxDeux since last November 2020 and I LOVE it! Check out this video by Beatrice on how she plans her life. Creating my own schedule has helped me become more productive.
‘to stand every morning to thank and praise the Lord, and likewise at evening;’
I Chronicles 23:30
Well there you have it…
All these steps are staples of how I start off all my regular mornings. I don’t do them in order all the time but the list gets done one way or the other.
I started off with a bedtime routine before doing a morning one because it was easier to implement changes in the evening instead of trying to do something new right after I get out of bed. Especially, since I had trouble getting out of bed in the first place.
How do you start your mornings? Do you have any healthy habits you’d like to share? I’d love to hear about them! Leave me a comment below or send it to me at hello@ohmyjourney.com
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