Living in LA is like
Hiking up a mountain to see the sun rise
Giving up your backyard for the Backbone
Going camping in the Redwoods
Driving down the highway with the mountains on your right and the ocean on your left
Sweating uphill just to watch the sun set
Having everyone you know play an instrument
Meeting a famous person still on their rise to fame
Leaving 30 minutes early knowing you’ll still get caught in traffic
Adding 15 minutes to your drive time to look for parking
Still having to park one mile away from your destination
Using your creativity to be heard
Crying in traffic and going with the flow
Learning how to say no
Pursuing your dreams
Giving in to reality
Finding your calling
Praying for that call back
Being about to gaze at the mountain tops from your bedroom window
Sometimes having smog and smoke obscure your view of the heavens
Going to the farmers’ market in Malibu
Taking a leisure stroll through Beverly Hills
Going to San Diego to experience SoCal at it’s chillest
Taking a day trip to Santa Barbara and stopping by to see elephant seal along the way
Dining at Sunset restaurant while enjoying the sunset
Living in Los Angeles makes you bind yourself to the pursuit of freedom
Read More: Becoming | Explore California
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