I don’t want purchase another notebook. I thought to myself while looking at my floor, covered in paper while I run the next page through the scanner. I can’t, I won’t.
That was me back in February.
I spent the whole month, every morning and every night, scanning in every piece of paper I had in my room. Why did it take so long? Well scanning 2,100+ pages tends to take a while. Yes, you read that right. I forget the actually number because I was a zombie for that whole month. I finished watching Seinfeld and Gravity Falls during that time period. (Well to be fair I started Seinfeld around late December.) But that’s just way too much time to be scanning plus I realized that I had a lot of duplicate of things. My only prayer request that month was to get through scanning all these papers. And believe it or not but that total number count was only of loose leaf paper. I didn’t count my journals in there. It was a LONG month.
Having recently digitized all my papers and journals. I have been looking for a way to be able to write and journal without having to keep on purchasing paper. Sounds crazy right, I know but I wanted it.
And before you say it,
I have tried digital journaling. I did it for a few months and it just didn’t cut it for me. There’s nothing like writing with pencil and paper. It makes brain dumping, processing my thoughts, and overall writing feel so much freer.
So I started praying, not even looking, just telling God about my dilemma, and explaining to Him what I need.
Then one day I stumbled upon the reMarkable 2. Now I have seen the reMarkable before and for some reason I didn’t purchase it. Probably because I didn’t really need another journal since I had about 12 of them. No lie. It took me 4 months to scan them into PDF files and I still have one or two floating around.
This reMarkable 2,
was just what I needed. It had a way to organize your journals, you can convert your handwriting into text, it had an 8gb internal storage system, and best of all unlimited pages.
I decided to spend the next 3 months learning all about this hybrid of digital and paper journal. I read reviews, almost all the FAQs, watched the user experiences via Youtube and instagram, and most importantly I created space in my budget for this purchase. I also planned to purchase some accessories with it as well. My thought behind this was to look at what would fit me and my lifestyle over the next 5 years, and hopefully beyond.
And finally,
at the end of those 3, LONG months. I finally purchased my reMarkable 2.
At the end,
I’m totally still fangirling over this purchase!
After using it for a few weeks, I’ll be back to tell you my experience using the reMarkable 2.
So I want to ask you,
What is a big purchase you’ve made recently? Was it something you wanted for a long time? Did you plan everything out like I did or just went for it?
Let me know down below or send me an email at Hello@ohmyjourney.com
Read More: Buying as a Minimalist | Minimalism | Lifestyle | Youtube
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