I’m in an echoing season of quiet.
My surroundings are silent and my thoughts are deafening.
Will I ever be able to enjoy the stillness?
Will I always be drowned out by the voices inside?
Will there always be a war inside during the outward calm?
How long will this internal chaos last?
Will the peace come when I’m surrounded by unrest?
I try to cancel out the noise with a louder one but it only leaves my ears ringing.
Should I start planting good thoughts now while the season is still dry?
When the rain comes will the water help these seeds to grow?
Will I be blessed with a blooming garden in the Spring?
& when the season of stillness comes again,
Will I be left with a garden or just the usual desolate place?
‘The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me [rest] in green pastures; He [gently guides] me beside the still waters.’
Psalms 23:1-2
Inspired by
“Would I be the same if I was medicated?”
Only by NF
Read more: Choose | I Choose Peace | Sadeh | Gold | New Housemates | Becoming | Center
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