Moving is never easy. But I thought it would be for me since I have been waiting for this day for over 3 years. I couldn’t wait to go out on my next adventure…or so I thought.
The End
Yesterday, I got my car serviced (which took all day and was sort of a nightmare. Please service your car at least a week before you go on a road trip.)
When I finally got home I started putting the in the plastic bins that were packed with all of my worldly things into my car. I quickly realized that I should have test to see if all of them would fit weeks ago. Everything I owned, felt way too big & with dread I noticed that not all my stuff would fit in my car. I had packed four plastic bins filled with yarn, books, and miscellaneous things but I only got one to fit in my trunk. & let’s not even talk about the large box of clothes that I had. (I am glad I got all my clothes to fit in one box though.) I had started downsizing last year and I’m so grateful for it. But still, it’s so frustrating! Even though, I spent the whole year downsizing, I still have way too much stuff. I had to leave a lot of books and yarn behind. Also for some reason I had a lot of random things I didn’t even noticed until now. You never know what you have until you start packing up your life. I laughed bitterly at this thought.
I was complaining about this to Wiz, my third sister. About the whole packing situations. I hated it. It sucks. I wanted all my things! I now know that I viewed them as a safety blanket. Because let’s face it, leaving everything you know and love within 4 short months is hard!
And it didn’t help that my father hadn’t finished packing his suitcase and waited until last minute to get everything together. Like father like daughter, sigh~
The original plan was to leave at 9 that morning but I was still packing and repacking and repacking and repacking to get everything to fit in my apparently tiny car I ended up finishing a bit after 10:30 am and leaving around 4-5 bins behind and 2 boxes. I was so frustrated but I had a deadline to keep is I wanted to make it to GA before sun down. I went ahead and finished loading the car. Judy, my sister, came by with the boys, her two sons an 8 year old and a 5 year old, apparently she didn’t know I was leaving, oops. I felt as if I told everybody and their mama’s but forgot to tell my own family. Half of it was because they didn’t fully believe that I was leaving but actions speak louder than words.
As I was packing a little bug named CJ unpacked some of my things and asked if they could keep this or that. Another little bug, Andre, asked me if they could come with me and I told him to ask their mom. He did and the answer he got was along the lines of, “If you go with Olguine she has to be your mom from now on.” Needless to say I was not asked that question anymore.
After the car was all packed up, I headed to my Nola’s, my oldest sister, house with my dad to say goodbye one last time. On my way there I realized that I forgot something. I called Judy to see if she already left the house. She did but she said she’d turn back if I told her what I needed. I got choked up because I realized that I could never go back. If I were to turn back and go I wouldn’t have the strength to drive away again and that scared me. I felt crippled. It shouldn’t be this hard, I didn’t think it would be this hard. But it was. I think it was the fact that I didn’t know what was waiting for me in Los Angeles that got to me. There was no job that I landed or amazing place I found to stay at. There was only God and His goodness and faithfulness. There was only the promise of His presence. I couldn’t not go. But at the same time it was painful to go.
The (God Be with Ye) Goodbyes
When we got Nola’s house there it felt super relaxed. Mom wasn’t there yet or rather she left because she thought I wasn’t coming. (We were suppose to meet at 9 that morning but it took longer than I expected to pack as I’ve said.) She went to church with the girlsmy two nieces Gabriela a 3 year old and Miliana a 1 year old. Nola’s little ones. I think it it must be painful having to watch someone you love leave. But I wanted to see her so I was determined to wait. I wasn’t going to leave without saying bye to my mom, lol.
It was only Dad, Nola, Giovanni who was going on 2 months, and me. So we all waited around for mom. Judy, the boys, and Guynsly came a little later. My other sister Wisnie had already said her goodbye to me. We got to listen to my dad give a lecture on family being everything.
Finally, afternoon mom returned with the girls. The girls ran in and one by one I scooped them up in hug. Kids are such great huggers!
Then I turn to give my mom a hug and she gathered me up into a great embrace that lasted for what felt like ages yet it ended as if it was only seconds all the while she couldn’t keep herself from sobbing. I held it in because I knew if I started I wouldn’t want to let her go.
After getting loads of hugs from the boys and Gabi, because they knew they weren’t going to see me in a while. I treasure everyone of their hugs.
Hitting the Road
I made my way out the door with dad and headed to a gas station. I guess I would have been more upset if I didn’t have dad there to distract me with dad things. He was so focused on getting there which made me think more about the future ahead rather than the past I was leaving behind.
Our route took us about 7 hours up, straight up South Florida into Mid Georgia. Dad drove the first leg and I drove the last leg. When we finally got to our airbnb we were exhausted. The place was wonderful!
We booked this one in Bonair. Our host Kaycee was amazing. Very helpful and highly recommended. Use this code when you register!
Anywho that was my last day in Naples. Bitter but I hope the sweetness comes real soon.
Three weeks before I left, I went through my contacts and messaged all of my close friends to hang out one last time. I didn’t get a picture of everyone but here is what I did get.
I hoped you enjoy these pictures of my friends and my messy hair and my scattered thoughts. Head over to read the part 2 in the Road Trip Chronicles.
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