Do I really need a planner for my business?
Flash back time! I was notorious at procrastination. Homework, projects, chores you name it. (Not to mention I have short term memory.) I never did things until the very last minutes and that always left me rushing, stressing, and kicking myself in the butt for not starting and planning earlier. I knew something had to change.
I got a app that told me what to do and when to do it. I could see my daily, weekly and monthly task at just a glance! No more forgetting appointments or tasks. I could plan things months in advance which was great! Until I started using it for my business also…
Don’t get me wrong I had been using this app for years with no problem but when I started plugging in my business endeavors in with my regular schedule, well let’s just say the two just didn’t mesh well. It became overwhelming and confusing. I ended up getting only half my schedule done. It seems if I was doing something for my daily life my business was suffering and vice verse. It was just too much. I didn’t know what to do until I saw @hannaontheroad Instagram’s post about getting an actual planner and planning ahead. It didn’t sink in at first (with my 3 second memory) but she made quite a few stories about how she was planning out 2017 in her planners. She even had a tutorial on setting up business goals on her site.

Long story short
I got a planner. Even though I only got it this week but already I’ve planned out my next three month, weekly blog post, monthly/weekly goals, daily tasks, social media posts, and it’s not even the end of the week yet. I even set up a weekly flow chart which means more free time = knitting time.
No more, poor planning, elevated stress levels, rushed listings on my Etsy shop or notes scattered all over the place (I used to write down ideas on the back of receipts! Not fun.) My planner was inexpensive; less then $7! It came with extra pages for jotting down ideas and notes. It’s small enough to fit in my bag but big enough to pack it full of to-do’s, ideas, and schedules. And best of all NO MORE RUSHING!
So back to the question,
Do I really need a business planner? I already told you yes! So go out and buy one already and enjoy all the free time you’ll have!
Tip: Prioritize you’re to do list to three items per day. If you you have time left over start on the next day’s task.
Read More: Small Business Tips | Maker Resources | Maker Life
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