2019 was a year of jump for me and now I have to land.
Throughout last year you reminded me to breathe
Breathe even though things are moving fast
Breathe even though I’m not finding, making, or taking time to rest
Breathe through the busyness so that I may rest in you
But that was last season’s breath
Now you’re telling me:
“You need the oxygen to breathe through this season
Before you were trying to keep up and now you are slowing it down
Now you have to breathe to not only find your footing but to think about where you are stepping; to think about the placing of your feet.
Because you will need firm footing to where I am calling you
It’s not a place where anyone can stand
It’s made especially for you, only you can stand there.
So breathe patience in this season.
Don’t be eager to jump and just settle for wherever you land.
I want you to place yourself on the foundation that I have built for you.
I am calling you to a season of more
But first you must learn to breathe.”
Read More: Stillness | Selah | Calling | Breathe and be Refreshed | The Presence of God
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