This is what I always try to remind myself. & about how the Lord heals.
Make God the center & keep him there. Then build your foundation in Him and around Him. Finally, put who you are in Christ on top of that foundation; not because you are greater but when you are standing on that foundation, God’s foundation, you can freely be who you are in Christ. So that when you fall, you fall back on Him. & He will build you up again even stronger than you were before.

“He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name.”
Psalms 23:3 NLT
“I will bring back your health and heal your injuries,” says The Lord….”
Jeremiah 30:17 NCV
“Lord, heal me, and I will truly be healed. Save me, and I will truly be saved. You are the one I praise.”
Jeremiah 17:14 NCV
“I am sad and tired. Make me strong again as you have promised.”
Psalms 119:28 NCV
“The Lord God helps me, so I will not be ashamed. I will be determined, and I know I will not be disgraced.”
Isaiah 50:7 NCV.

What are some of your favorite verses that have helped you through some tough times? Leave them in the comments below!
Read More: Seeking God | I Choose Peace | Heaven to Earth Thinking
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