A man’s stomach shall be satisfied from the fruit of his mouth; From the produce of his lips he shall be filled.
OhMyJourney (formerly OhMyKnit) was born out of a desire to find purpose.
I brought my first knitting needles when I had a dream of my myself knitting. It was the felt time I was excited about something in a LONG time. The same day I brought my knitting needles I also taught myself to knit via YouTube. After getting the basics down I pushed the limits I had set for myself even more and started designing patterns Going from complex lace patterns to super simple scarf patterns. Every time I designed, I saw my weakness and my limits. I found satisfaction in the challenge and it became fun to surpass every hurtle that came with them.
Soon I was challenging myself in other things. In 2017, I made my first solo trip and it was out of the country no less. It was then that I discovered my love for travel and I could not stop the need of wanting to see more of the world around me.
Everything started aligning itself perfectly from the moment I decided to pick up knitting. It’s funny because I remember asking God for the purpose of my life and the answer I got was limitless. Even now I’m still discovering new things and places. Being creative gave me the feeling of freedom and allowed me to push the limits of the box that I allowed myself to be placed it. So I hope you to discovery the limitless purpose for your life as well.
My journey started with knitting, and ended up here. My hope is that you find the beginning of your journey and resources to help you along the way. So join me on the journey of life that we are all on. I can’t wait to hear from you!
Now that you’ve read all about me, I’d love to hear from you. Tell me about your dreams and passions or just say hello. Either way I’m excited to learn about you, so shoot me an email!
A man’s stomach shall be satisfied from the fruit of his mouth; From the produce of his lips he shall be filled.

OhMyJourney (formerly OhMyKnit) was born out of a desire to find purpose.
I brought my first knitting needles when I had a dream of my myself knitting. It was the felt time I was excited about something in a LONG time. The same day I brought my knitting needles I also taught myself to knit via YouTube. After getting the basics down I pushed the limits I had set for myself even more and started designing patterns Going from complex lace patterns to super simple scarf patterns. Every time I designed, I saw my weakness and my limits. I found satisfaction in the challenge and it became fun to surpass every hurtle that came with them.
Soon I was challenging myself in other things. In 2017, I made my first solo trip and it was out of the country no less. It was then that I discovered my love for travel and I could not stop the need of wanting to see more of the world around me.
Everything started aligning itself perfectly from the moment I decided to pick up knitting. It’s funny because I remember asking God for the purpose of my life and the answer I got was limitless. Even now I’m still discovering new things and places. Being creative gave me the feeling of freedom and allowed me to push the limits of the box that I allowed myself to be placed it. So I hope you to discovery the limitless purpose for your life as well.
My journey started with knitting, and ended up here. My hope is that you find the beginning of your journey and resources to help you along the way. So join me on the journey of life that we are all on. I can’t wait to hear from you!
Now that you’ve read all about me, I’d love to hear from you. Tell me about your dreams and passions or just say hello. Either way I’m excited to learn about you, so shoot me an email!